Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why can't I form close, normal relationships with people in school?

Is this just a phase of teenage years? Or is this another problem? Can this be fixed? Help, I think I'm so depressed.Why can't I form close, normal relationships with people in school?
look , dude , there are A LOT of factors that might affect this , things like that may be caused by people having bad first impressions of u, you said that you are depressed , its hard for someone to come over to a sad person that they dont really know and say hi, so my advice is to cheer up , and add more details so someone can help u properlyWhy can't I form close, normal relationships with people in school?
I suspect that you've had bad experiences in childhood. As a result, you don't have any idea of who you really are and you don't know yet what direction to take in your life.

I strongly recommend that you consult your guidance counsellor in school. This would be a good start for you to know yourself and learning to love, respect, and accept yourself. Because you cannot be intimate with anybody else unless you cannot be intimate on your own.

Similarly, you cannot love somebody else unless you don't know how to love yourself.

I hope that someday you would come to understand this. And I really hope that you heed my advice - it's for your own good.
One thing I have learned is that you have to be open to people. When I was younger, I was closed off and wouldn't let people in-- I was afraid if they knew the 'real' me they would be scared off. Once I started letting people know the real me, they liked me despite my faults and in many cases they have flaws of their own.

Good luck.
Mortals are hard to trust or get along with. We're nasty little creatures that are very particular. You should be fine though, theres all types of people and Im sure theres a crowd for you out there, you just haven't met them.
Maybe you have not found the right crowd. Don't worry, it takes time to get close friends. Just relax and be yourself, be friendly to others.

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