Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do you go about making up for past mistakes in your personal relationships?

There are a number of people I would like to bring back into my life. I'm not sure of the best way to approach this initially.How do you go about making up for past mistakes in your personal relationships?
I'd say go slowly and be prepared to have a rough time with some of them...Some may not want you close at all.

Perhaps an email would be best as a first approach...Writing things down is a good idea because you can choose your words...(and also because the other person can re-read your words in case they are not sure they have understood you.)

If they respond to your email, then perhaps you can call them. If they want to meet, great. But be ready to have some people say they are not interested, and understand they may harbor resentment and ill feelings if you were truly mean or vicious.How do you go about making up for past mistakes in your personal relationships?
Write or email them, apologizing for whatever you've done and telling them why you value them. Follow up with a phone call, if necessary, and then meet with them for lunch or a picnic or whatever.

Do whatever works to bring them back into your life. Whether they choose to return or not is totally up to them, and, if they say no, accept their decisions and move on.

This is really not difficult; it just takes your being willing to take the first step. Once that's done, you'll figure the rest out on your own.

Good luck to you!
you can apologize to them.and try not to make those mistakes again.if they see you are really sorry about your mistakes then i don't think there will be a reason not to be in your life back..
apologize sincerely and try not to make the same mistakes..

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