Friday, November 25, 2011

Why are white women and black men relationships given so much attention when...?

...there are over twice as many white male/ asian girls marriages than black male/ white women marriages?

And why does the media downplay this fact. Every ';diverse'; movie pretty much includes a black man with a white or white looking latina woman. Should Asian women/ white men relationships be acknowledged? Especially since they are the most common?Why are white women and black men relationships given so much attention when...?
ppl always tend to frown upon me it doesnt matter what combination gets together love is loveWhy are white women and black men relationships given so much attention when...?
I think the media/film downplays that fact, because White men feel they can date whatever race they want, but White women can never other races, especially Black men, without being criticized. It's not to say that every White man feels that way or that all White people in general do, but that's just what I see. If a White guy is with an Asian, nobody really cares...if a White girl walks down the street with a Black guy, she's labeled a 'n-word lover' or 'whore'.

The media/film like to go on shock value, so if nobody is really bothered about the White male/Asian female match, they aren't going to receive much attention.
simple white men typically hate to see there so called women with a black man. We are supposed to be lower then them, beast, savages, uneducated, thugs. Dumb **** like that. Oh well, I can care less what they think. I love all women. White, black, Cablasian (example Tiger Woods) Caucasian, black, and asian. I feel that attitude about black and white realationships is mostly shared by older white men, still living in the past. People simply don't like to see change, it is getting better and more accepted. Hell I don't care, I will marry any color women as long as she is a good person.
Because this country's laws against racially mixed marriages, cruelly named ';miscegenation,'; which basically means incorrect mixing of genes, were primarily used against black and white couples. Everyone else just had to move to some other state.
I really wouldn't care if they acknowledged either. I want to see the media acknowledge more White Male/Black Female relationships than they do because that is becoming very common, so is Black Woman/Latino Male.
If you are using wikipedia as a reference you need to do more research.

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