Friday, November 25, 2011

What is the point of committed relationships?

If you have plenty of friends can look after yourself, have sex when you want and don't want children?What is the point of committed relationships?
It's for when all your friends settle down and you're stuck on your own. You don't want to be the one they all feel sorry for, who's always suggesting girls nights out and clubbing long after your peer group has shifted their focus onto family life, whose friends get younger and younger, who smiles just a little too brightly when she insists that going on holiday with a singles club is ';really, really fun';, who nobody will leave alone with their husbands for too long at parties just in case...

If you wait until then to start looking, all the best guys will have been taken and you'll be stuck with a second-time-around guy with all the baggage that goes with it - kids, ';psycho'; ex, debts/maintenance payments etc.

That's my take on it, anyway. It's just an insurance policy, and once you decide you need it it's best to get it over and done with and snag the best guy you can while you're still in the position of having to beat them off with a stick. I don't think being married makes you happier in itself, it just beats the alternative of dying alone and your body not being found until the next hot spell.

If you're male, turn all the he/she references on their head and think yourself lucky that men remain attractive to the opposite sex for longer than girls do.What is the point of committed relationships?
I love my girlfriend and of late i have noticed that if i sleep with anyone else besides her i feel guilty. i think there comes a time when you need to connect
A committed relationship, (Marriage) has been found to be the best way to live and raise families; based on thousands of years of human experience. It's an individual's best shot at a longer, healthier, happier, and financially successful life. Certainly marriage isn't perfect, because people aren't perfect, but over the last few thousand years, marriage has been found to be the best method of living, out of the thousands of different ways societies have tried over the ages.
If someone has to ask the point of a commited relationship, then they obviously don't have the need or desire for one.

Not everyone is cut out for the same thing, and if one doesn't want to be in a long term, monogamous relationship, one shouldn't feel obliged to by society.
You can have children without committed relationship!

I must say that I prefer committed relationship because:

-sex is better with someone you know

-you get true emotions from a man you love

-you can cuddle with him

-emotional support when you need it(it is different when you have friends for that-girfriends may compete with you).

But it is true that many girls don't get that from man. I do from mine, so I prefer commitment.

When you will become older, you will see that many of your friends will get married. I heard that at the age of 40, children are those who give you the purpose to your life.
I totally agree with you. Committed relationships are the biggest social conventional farce going, mortgage, kids, constantly nagged etc. It's a Capitalistic mkted group we r all fooled to think we need / want. Love can be everywhere if look. Want kids? get a donar %26amp; give 'em love they wont be a criminal. Sex? pick the nxt one, it's about release of frustration. Love from only one? yeah right keep fooling yourself this isn't the 1950's. I think with life get what you want when you want via your subconsicous %26amp; 1 day committed relationships may appear / may not don't feel a need via social convention. I think of the tigers that roam as solitary animals, they r one of the most beautiful animals nature created not fooled by a need of a family.
yeah but people like you or who ever this is your talking about not being able to commit normally are called sluts or tramps they cant commit because there to busy being whores and sleeping around.
the point is that some people want commitment and some dont. end of.
Well somebody like that wouldn't want/need/have a committed relationship. It works for some people because they want children, they want a long term partner for company and intimacy, so they can buy a house together, to share their lives with someone. As you get older, sex may not be so available to people and most people want children to carry on their name etc. There are loads of reasons, but if you enjoy being young free and single and having the freedom to do whatever you want then you should stay that way.
the point of committed relationship is that you have the one person you're completely crazy about and who is completely crazy about you, you create a family and love each other
For most people, at one point, they will see their friends start to commit to other people over time, giving them less and less time. By the time that they look around and find that all their friends are in a long term relationship it will dawn on them that they won't have friends who will be there for them since they have other commitments. So committed relationships allows you to have somewhat of a monopoly on someone else, so that you will almost always have someone there for you to spend time with.
If that works for you, congratulations and good wishes. Most people want a little more.
You can have sex when you want and not have children in a comitted relationship.
That's lovely, and I loved my life for a while like that, but, what happens when all your friends start settling down, having children and committing themselves to another person?

It's such an enjoyable time of life, just relish it while you can. But never say never...
Committed relationships these days look like riding a carriage on high ways!open relationship is the option today!
There are many reasons, but someone with your point of view I would suggest looking at it at this angle. When you are growing old it is an extremely lonely feeling waking up with no one by your side. No fellowship, no sharing coffee, no laughs together. No one to be concerned about your well being, and no reminiscing

in your memories with someone. You might as well face it there are not many old folks dating and partying.
The point of commitment is that it shows what sort of a person you are.

If ALL you want ouit of a relationship is sex you are denying the deeper aspects of your humanity.

Plus the fact that sex is better within a committed relationship.
Better than being promiscuous
The point? It's for people looking for something a little deeper than what you just stated.
Because you might want more for yourself than random, promiscuous attachments. It's a pretty empty kind of existence - it might work for some at some stages of their life...but eventually you want to love someone who isn't loving other people.
Because one day you will wake up %26amp; realise that something is missing from your life.

And that is true love, which can only be found in a committed relationship.

When you have experienced it, you will understand what I mean.
None that I know of

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