Friday, November 25, 2011

How much more prevalent would gay relationships be?

if homosexuality wasn't ostracized?

Now that I've had lunch and my brain is working better, let me try again: What I'm after is, if gay relationships weren't of any concern to anyone else, and people weren't so hung up on labels and fitting into strict categories, how many more otherwise straight people would be more likely to engage in casual gay dalliances (not would there be more gays), do you suppose? Some? Many? Most? If everyone who is gay could freely admit to it (to themselves as well as everyone else), what percentage of the population do you suppose would really turn out be gay? More than the estimated 10%?How much more prevalent would gay relationships be?
There would be an amazing amount of extra romantic love and a more healthful environment for families. Example, a closeted homosexual man or woman may find fighting for their freedom to be too difficult and may choose to conform by living in a committed heterosexual relationship. They may then induldge in affairs and put themselves at risk for STD's and ruined reputation and may even decide to abandon a family with children. Were there more social acceptance, the building of families that risk destruction by a member coming out of the closet would be greatly reduced.How much more prevalent would gay relationships be?
I believe alot more straight people would be open to the idea, and would be less hesitant to experiment. How do you know you're straight, until you've had a taste of the gay lifestyle? You DON'T know, unless you try. By eliminating the same-sex option, people are limiting their level of happiness. Imagine if no one cared anymore, and being gay was at the same level as being hetero? The divorce rates would probably lower, and we'd probably have less un-planned pregnancies.
I think that there would be SIGNIFICANTLY more ';out'; homosexuals. And as a result more gay relationships.
I don't think there would be anymore than there are already. Seriously.

Straights can't ';turn'; gay, they're either gay or not. They might be Bi-curious, but again, no one just ';turns'; gay because it seems like the thing to do.

Straights, gays and lesbians would still have just as much trouble finding ';true love'; as they do now.
I can address part of your question I think, the part about whether otherwise straight people would engage in casual homosexual dalliances more if no stigma attached to it.

I think the answer to that question is yes.....definitely. I have had a few girl/girl encounters even though I am definitely a full time heterosexual. After each time I have had an ';Oh My God'; reaction afterward. Not because I didnt enjoy it but because I was raised in a home where that was considered immoral and I shuddered to think what my parents would say if they found out. Therefore I think that if there wasnt that stigma attached to it many more people would try it.

As to what percentage of the population would be gay if everyone who is gay would just admit it......your guess is as good as mine.

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