Friday, July 30, 2010

Why are so many woman asking ?s about men and relationships? Are we men such dogs?

Every other ? I've came across has been by a woman asking questions about why men are interested in other woman and relationship ?s. I think you ladies need to marry a good old Latin boy that will value you as a lady and also have family values. Trust me.Why are so many woman asking ?s about men and relationships? Are we men such dogs?
There are many men who are not latin that can value women like they should be. I know because I am married to one. I know many other men and they are not latin. What makes you think only latin men are capable of this?Why are so many woman asking ?s about men and relationships? Are we men such dogs?
Actually, the Latin men that I know are the ones that are more likely to be dictatorial to their wives and kids and also are more likely to cheat (yes I am talking about friends' husbands). I do not want those types of ';family values'; in my house. I'll take my husband that believes in teamwork and fidelity over a Latin man anyday.
You find me a guy that doesn't cheat and I will be happy!! My ex husband cheated twice, his best friend cheated about 5 times on his wife, his other friend several times on his girlfriend, another friend some more cheating, and another friend, some more cheating. My friend (a girl by the way) cheated, and my other ';girl'; friend cheated on their husband. My dad cheated on my mother. My sisters husband cheated on her.

So you tell me where to find these nice guys with some family values and I will be there!!!! :)
Many women are whinning about really stupid stuff like porn or watching a stripper.

unless my man is having SEX with another person -- THEN HE IS NOT CHEATING

These women need to wake up and smell the is fun not cut and dried up like a prune...geeze..they need to relax...

I reckon the better question is why do so many of them have such low self esteem..that is really the problem here...and yes I am a woman..but I have no problems with my man watching porn or a stripper...I watch with him..
Haha soo funny.

Latin boys have a huge game. They know how to lure woman in. Doesn't necessairly make them better gentlemen.

BUT i do have to admit...most of then do know how to be a gentlemen and lains are very family oriented.
Yes, a great number of men are total pigs. Well, not you and I, but I think a majority of men think with their little head, and there are plenty of dirty whores out there (married and otherwise) to accommodate them.
Hahah i know its because we all marry scum bags...I plan on marrying an unattractive man this next time around maybe he will appreciate me. Of course wiht my luck all these great looking women will wonder why im with him and he will get all the attention he never got and enjoy every cheating night of it....UGH....never win do you jk
Woof! Woof! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Some women just enjoy drama, and even if they have the man of their dreams, they will find a reason to whine about it.
Some Latin men cheat? How about 90% of them cheat. I know because I right there with them. lol
latin men cheat too so dont go there
See sad thing is obv that is not the case.No woman in her heart wants to think badly of the guy she is with.Who would choose a dog?Prob is that men are diff to women,we operate largely,though not exclusively,upon a different code.Shock and horror,we get burned again and being women,we seek advice,ironically the advice from men is most valued and therein lies the rube.See 99% of women go into a relationship of any nature,even casual,with the same expectations she has,i.e matter how little..emotional connection.Even a one night stand if most women were honest,rides upon the way in which she was treated the morning after. It is our biology and though we rage against it,take pills,use condoms, act like we don't give a f,biologicallly we are programmed to care.See women have two functions species wise.First we have to carry the child for nine months, have an alien inside us,then the pain of childbirth...also if we weren't emotionally involved in sex, then the planet would be overrun.,cause someone has to be discerning in the breeding stakes.We love sex too, many women act/ behave like porn stars to work out a high and equal sex drive that is also their right.But under it all we all crave the hug and what that means.What that means is that yo will stay with us and value sharing our genes.Sounds animal, but basically that is the case.Equally, men don't get us.Women whinge when they accept less than what they want and blame the man,most of the time knowing deep down that they want more,but use their sexual control to feel good about the situation and in control of it.the odd thing is though that with all the blurge about communication etc.people who get together speak less than friends and ess have no relationship.I as a woman do feel that men are ***** most of the time,have a hard time understanding how someone can be so OK and sweet and seemingly genuine,then to turn into a cold hearted bastard the minute he has sex with you...but I understand that in nature that is the job of the man,he means it at the time,he must breed and must play the game to breed.Why so many women post answers is because we don't get men, we crave but cannot have that emotional exclusion from intimacy of any kind.And yes,if you yourself were to look back upon your own rel,we do get tired of being lied to or seduced or whatever you want to call it.Most women, like men, ess crave honesty.Sadly in the breeding game, whatever kicks in re DNA,,deceit and half truths and shallowness creep in.Hope I helped.

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