Friday, July 30, 2010

Do long-distance relationships work? How do I make this work?

ive been in three.

they work for a while,

but eventually they fail.

its hard.

keep it going as long as you can.

but wen its time to say goodbye,

accept it and move on.

its more than likely going to happen.Do long-distance relationships work? How do I make this work?
myself and my partner got off to a 9 month start of him being in Australia and me being in South Africa. We wrote letters, sent emails and gifts and spoke on the phone once a week. It was really hard, but we stuck it out and we now live together in SA and have been together for 6 years and we are expecting a baby boy. It can be done, don't listen to all the synics...Do long-distance relationships work? How do I make this work?
They don't. I'm sorry. There's always the idea of that ';one day'; when you'll be together, but in reality it never happens.. I ended my last two relationships because they were long distance. It hurts to not be able to see them often, and that leads to depression, and heartbreak, and then you start wondering if they're cheating etc. It's not worth it.
Has to be a lot of trust and patience.

If you're used to being physically next to someone, it may take a while to get used to this.

But otherwise, go for it. Just make sure there's the trust and the patience, and make sure you talk quite often.
I don't advise it unless it is absolute true love. But if you start suspecting lies then get out immediately. Don't be a fool and believe lies like I did.

Being apart makes relationships stronger if It doesnt kill them.

Good luck, seriously!!
i dont think that they do a whole part of the relation ship is seeing and touching each other everyday to make it work you have to have major trust if you do that you wont be steped out on then it should be fine good luck :)
yes they do work if both people are willing to put in the effort to make them work altho they are harder then normal relationships and require more perseverance
never heard of one working.....if the relationship continues to grow then one of you have to move....if that does not happen then what is the point of the relationship...
True love never fails.

A long distance relationship can work, yes. But only if BOTH people are willing. Two people working for the same cause [love]? What could be better?!

Best of luck in your situation!
Sorry, it never worked for me, after a while, we just lost interest in each other.
86% of long distance relationships are doomed to failure. srry
yea they do matter of fact my sister is a long-distance relationship and they are going on thier 10th month proud of them.
first of all i its true love it will last and the best way for it to last long is to viset each outher reaguleary
Have a bunch of phone sex and use picture mail
NO!!! one person will be heartbroken when another moves on. don't do it!!! save yourself from heartbreak!
Keep in touch and try to remain faithful.
Truly, give it up. They just can't compete with the local exchange.
some distance work but not a distance lover relationship !
they usually work for one and not the's convenience

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